EFTCAMB  Reference documentation for version 3.0
eftcamb Directory Reference


directory  04f_abstract_parametrizations_1D
directory  05f_abstract_parametrizations_2D


file  01_EFT_def.f90 [code]
 This file contains the EFTCAMB compile time options.
file  02_equispaced_interpolation_linear_1D.f90 [code]
 This file contains the class that can be used for 1D linearly interpolated functions on an equispaced grid.
file  02_interpolation.f90 [code]
 This file contains the EFTCAMB interpolation algorithms.
file  02_quadpack_double.f90 [code]
 This file contains the relevant code for the double precision QUADPACK integration library. This code was developed by many authors that retain the copyright for the following code. This source file was modified to use it with the EFTCAMB code.
file  02_root_finding.f90 [code]
 This file contains the EFTCAMB root finding algorithms.
file  02_utilities.f90 [code]
 This file contains various generic algorithms that are useful to EFTCAMB.
file  03_abstract_EFTCAMB_cache.f90 [code]
 This file contains the definition of the EFTCAMB caches. These are used to store parameters that can be used by EFTCAMB, in EFTCAMB_parameter_cache or are used to store partial results when solving the time evolution of perturbations, in EFTCAMB_timestep_cache.
file  04_abstract_parametrizations_1D.f90 [code]
 This file contains the abstract class for generic parametrizations for 1D functions that are used by several models in EFTCAMB. When there is a free function in EFT it should be declared as a class inheriting from parametrized_function_1D. This guarantees maximum performances as well as maximum flexibility.
file  05_abstract_parametrizations_2D.f90 [code]
 This file contains the abstract class for generic parametrizations for 2D functions that are used by several models in EFTCAMB. When there is a free function in EFT it should be declared as a class inheriting from parametrized_function_2D. This guarantees maximum performances as well as maximum flexibility.
file  06_abstract_EFTCAMB_model.f90 [code]
 This file contains the abstract definition of all the places where EFTCAMB interacts with CAMB. All EFTCAMB models should inherit from this class or the two derived classes contained in 06p2_abstract_EFTCAMB_full.f90 or 06p3_abstract_EFTCAMB_designer.f90.
file  06p1_abstract_EFTCAMB_full_map.f90 [code]
 This file contains the abstract definition of all the places where EFTCAMB interacts with CAMB in case of a full mapping model. All models implementing a model in which the cosmological background is computed from the values of the EFT functions should inherit from this class.
file  06p2_abstract_EFTCAMB_designer.f90 [code]
 This file contains the abstract definition of all the places where EFTCAMB interacts with CAMB in case of a designer model. All models implementing a model in which the cosmological background is parametrized according to some choice of the user should inherit from this class.
file  07p1_Pure_EFT_std.f90 [code]
 This file contains the definition of the Pure EFT model in which the EFT is described by six functions of time and w_DE. Please refer to the numerical notes for details.
file  08p1_RPH.f90 [code]
 This file contains the definition of an EFT reparametrization of Horndeski models. This is described by four functions of time and w_DE. Please refer to the numerical notes for details.
file  09p1_Designer_fR.f90 [code]
 This file contains the relevant code for designer f(R) models.
file  09p2_Designer_mc_quintessence.f90 [code]
 This file contains the definition of the designer minimally coupled quintessence model.
file  10p1_Horava.f90 [code]
 This file contains the definition of low energy (LE) Horava gravity. Please refer to the numerical notes for details.
file  11_EFTCAMB_IC.f90 [code]
file  11_EFTCAMB_main.f90 [code]
 This file contains the general EFTCAMB driver. We have a type that encapsulate all EFTCAMB parameters and stuff and this is owned by CAMB to do all EFT calculations.
file  11_EFTCAMB_RGR.f90 [code]
 This file contains the RGR algorithm. This operates on general EFT models.
file  11_EFTCAMB_stability.f90 [code]
 This file contains the stability detection algorithm of EFTCAMB.